Concierge & VIP Counseling

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Many adopted children experience problems as a result of not forming organized attachments in the first 3 years of life. These failures may be the result of abuse or neglect or due to repeated changes of caregiver. The children who experience these events will often learn not to trust or form attachments with new caregivers. Through their unsafe or inconsistent relationships they learn that adults are not safe, and they develop strategies that help them survive in these environments. Appropriate treatments can help parents learn to encourage better attachments and cope with the behaviors that result from attachment problems.

Attachment can be viewed as a continuum, with secure attachment at one end and disorganized attachment at the other. While a small percentage of children with attachment problems can be correctly diagnosed as having reactive attachment disorder, many more adopted children display signs of some attachment difficulty, a midpoint along the continuum. Signs of attachment problems can include the inability to seek comfort and reassurance from caregivers when in distress, refusal to accept the authority of caregivers to set limits and rules, overly controlling behavior, lack of cause-and-effect thinking, poor emotional regulation, superficial charm, obvious lying and stealing, indiscriminate affection with strangers, lack of conscience, and cruelty to animals or people.

Trauma-Focused CBT

Therapists with adoption, attachment, and trauma knowledge and experience are best suited to help families determine whether problems are adoption related and to plan effective treatment strategies. Make sure your therapist is a Licensed Florida Adoption Competent Therapist.  At a minimum, a therapist must:

  • Be knowledgeable about adoption and the psychological impact of adoption on children and families
  • Be knowledgeable about the impact of trauma on children and families, as the most serious problems result from traumatic experiences prior to adoption
  • Be knowledgeable about the role and impact of attachment on the mind/body for the developing child
  • Be experienced in working with adopted children and their families
  • Know the types of help available for adoption-related issues and problems
  • Have received DCF approved training in working with adoptive families
Play Therapy


C Counseling Adoption
Family Therapy
Celebrate your Forever Family
Concierge & VIP Counseling adoptive family

Our Approach to Therapy

What to look for in a Therapist

Behavior Modification

Adoption & Attachment

Help your adoptive or foster child document their journey through life with a Lifebook.

Timely intervention by our professionals skilled in adoption, attachment, and trauma issues often can prevent concerns from becoming more serious problems.