Concierge & VIP Counseling

(904) 413-1379  • Contact Us • Get Directions

Concierge & VIP Counseling LOGO

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We welcome your questions, curiosities, and comments. Give us a call, drop us a line, or just swing on by.

Trust us, we’re all over the place! I know it might not seem like you can find us in your city, but we’re there. For the easiest way to assist you, just send us a message, or call (904) 413-1379. And don’t worry, one way or another, we’ve got you and ALL of your Concierge Counseling needs covered.

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Here’s How You Can Contact Us

Contact Us

Email us for all treatment information, therapeutic recommendations, account inquiries, and questions & comments, including those about the facility and clinicians.  

For your comments/query please complete the form below. We'll get in touch with you soon.  Please do not disclose any HIPAA protected information in the form below.  Instead give us a call, we would be happy to speak with you in person!

Locate Us

7235 Bentley Road

Ste. 106

Jacksonville FL 32256 

(904) 413-1379